Relive the most shocking, emotional, and unforgettable moments from the series that changed television forever
One of the most ambitious and visually stunning battle sequences ever filmed for television. Jon Snow faces off against Ramsay Bolton in a brutal battle for Winterfell that features incredible cinematography, including the famous suffocation scene and cavalry charge.
In perhaps the most shocking scene in television history, the Stark family is brutally betrayed at the Twins during Edmure Tully's wedding. The scene changed how audiences viewed plot armor and character safety in television forever.
The climactic moment of the Battle of Winterfell sees Arya Stark deliver the killing blow to the Night King, ending the threat of the White Walkers in a single, stunning moment that subverted all expectations.
The long-awaited confrontation between the Hound and the Mountain takes place during the fall of King's Landing. Their brutal fight to the death amidst the destruction of the Red Keep provides a fitting end to their story.
The shocking execution of Ned Stark established Game of Thrones as a series where no character was safe and honor doesn't always prevail. This pivotal moment set the tone for the entire series.
Oberyn Martell's fight against the Mountain is a masterclass in building tension, with an ending that shocked viewers and changed the course of several major characters' storylines.
Through Bran's vision, we witness the legendary fight between young Ned Stark and Ser Arthur Dayne at the Tower of Joy, revealing a crucial piece of history and shattering Ned's heroic narrative.
The first major battle sequence of the series showcased the show's ability to handle large-scale combat. Tyrion's leadership and the wildfire explosion became iconic moments.
The Night's Watch betrayal and murder of Jon Snow was a shocking season finale that left audiences wondering about the fate of one of the series' main protagonists.
The Sons of the Harpy's ambush in Daznak's Pit culminates in Drogon's dramatic rescue of Daenerys, marking a turning point in her rule of Meereen and her connection with her dragons.